Integrated Pathway
The 2nd National CPIP Meeting, 29th Sept 2023
On 29th September 2023, we held the 2nd National CPIP meeting in Edinburgh. This time it was fully face-to-face with over 200 delegates attending along with a great faculty of national and international speakers.
Above you can dowload the programme and below are (some of) the presentations. More will be added when editing is complete and we have permission from the speaker.
Invited Speaker Presentations
Amy Tears presenting her research looking at removable hip abduction casts used along with botulinum toxin in the treatment of hip adductor spasticity.
Marietta van der Linden presenting on behalf of Bethany Dutton on their work showing the links between lower limb ROM and posture in relation to the development of scoliosis.
Kristen Murray presenting data from CPIPS showing how range of motion changes over time in children with cerebral palsy.
Catherine Barry telling us about the exciting SPELL and ROBUST trials coming very soon. Read more about each by clicking the links.
Julie Donoghue and Heather Macintosh ask the question, "so what?" and answer it by providing the clinician, family and child's perspective.
More videos will be added once edited together and speaker permissions obtained.